31 January 2020: The Australian (News Corp - Murdoch media)
This post introduces an Australian Government document - the Health CBRN Plan (2018) - and attempts to connect the dots using key domestic political events in early 2020 (highlighted in previous posts) as evidence of the use of this public health ‘counter-terrorism’ plan in the rollout of the ‘COVID response’.
Australian Government Department of Health - Health CBRN Plan - Nov 2018
This post also looks at ‘bioterrorism’ and its role as a pandemic narrative tool both historically (pre-COVID) and during the COVID event.
Note: As outlined in multiple previous posts, there is a clear overlap in the March 2020 political timeline in the US and Australia* despite their different systems of government - namely, the Whole-of-Nation emergency takeover by ‘Homeland Security’
In essence, the Covid Response used the pretext of a possible ‘biological attack’ to justify pre-planned “rapid response partnerships” between government and biodefense contractors in industry and academia to facilitate the international deployment of emergency medical countermeasures (MCMs) - allegedly to protect American civilians and “the citizens of the world”.
Also recall this line from the Pentagon Presser on 5 March 2020, courtesy of the military medical expert who insisted that the so-called novel coronavirus was “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”…
Crikey!… Doctors of Infectious Diseases “Defending the Homeland”!
‘Biodefense’ - aka the war on germs, to quote the chair of the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense, Tom Ridge - is an all-purpose rortenterprise in the fight against ‘emerging’ or ‘engineered’ pathogens (from nature and labs respectively).
And according to none other than Anthony Fauci: “Nature is the worst bioterrorist”.
Nature is very good at evolving microbes to create problems - much smarter than any terrorist. So what we've tried to do over the years is to use the expertise, the resources to allow us to respond better to a deliberate affront or attack on us with a microbe of any type engineered or what have you, to use that knowledge to better prepare us for what we know will happen.
We don't know whether we will ever have an attack on us in the United States or elsewhere using biological weapons. We absolutely know that we will have the evolution of a new disease, naturally occurring, that will impact society.
Dr Anthony Fauci in 2013 for CSIS
So according to the experts, the public health ‘response’ is the same - regardless of the ‘origin’. Even if it’s… ‘biowarfare’!!
The same ‘experts’ also have a well-documented history of using ‘bioterrorism’-based pandemic tabletop exercises to frighten the pants off political leaders, dating back to Dark Winter in June 2001 and then-Vice President Dick Cheney…
Consider the shenanigans of bioterror alarmist WHO Chief Scientist, Sir Jeremy Farrar, (formerly of Wellcome/ CEPI/ UK-SAGE etc renown) according to his own words…
When I went back to work on Friday 3 January 2020, I emailed two of my most senior colleagues: Eliza Manningham-Buller, the Chair of the Wellcome Trust and former director general of the UK intelligence agency MI5, and Mike Ferguson, her deputy. I would not normally trouble them about a small, distant outbreak - but this one in China felt different. If it turned out to be different, the Wellcome Trust, where I have been director for eight years, would be called upon for its expertise and money.
Source: The Times - Jeremy Farrar book extract - “Spike” - 17 July 2021
In those weeks [in January 2020], I became exhausted and scared. I felt as if I was living a different person's life. During that period, I would do things I had never done before: acquire a burner phone, hold clandestine meetings, keep difficult secrets. I would have surreal conversations with my wife, Christiane, who persuaded me we should let the people closest to us know what was going on. I phoned my brother and best friend to give them my temporary number. In hushed conversations, I sketched out the possibility of a looming global health crisis that had the potential to be read as bioterrorism.
As we also learned after the fact, Jeremy Farrar was in cahoots with Eddie Holmes - “a British-born virologist and professor at the University of Sydney” - as part of the early January 2020 scientists-and-spooks script:
After that call from Eddie, I realised that he and I were probably the only two people in the world outside China who knew there was this sequence in existence and what it was, with all the potential consequences.
Indeed, the consequences of pulling off a ‘pandemic’ are truly mind-boggling… for the beneficiaries!
Sometime in late January 2020, Farrar conspired with Holmes and Kristian Anderson to agree to contact their respective intelligence agencies (in the UK, Australia and the US) about the suspicious sequence… using their burner phones, presumably!
And the rest, as they say, is history.
(The Netflix series isn’t out yet, but there’s a link to Chapter 1 of Farrar’s book via the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.)
In other words…
The narrative drama was intentionally turned up behind-the-scenes such that an ‘infectious disease threat’ was presented by ‘stakeholders’ to political leaders as a terrifying worst-case-scenario (ie. possible ‘biological warfare’!!) to on-board those in positions of power to the preset plan.
Markson: Do you think this was an accidental or deliberate release of COVID-19 from China?
Trump: So I think it was probably an accident. I don't think it was on purpose. If it was, that's essentially war. I don't think it was on purpose. I think it was incompetence.
Farrar’s clandestine fearmongering about “possibilities” and “potentials” in early 2020 is highly relevant to the trigger for Australia’s Health CBRN Plan, as the next section will show.
For Australian context, the ‘biosecurity’ psy-op from a ‘human health’ and ‘border control’ perspective was very prominent in mainstream media propaganda coverage from the outset…
And in retrospect, Australia’s longstanding pre-COVID reputation in terms of ‘biosecurity’ (from the point of view of agriculture) and the familiarity of its citizens with ‘zero tolerance’ terminology in this respect is noteworthy…
NOTE: A bit of who’s who media gossip from last week to set the scene…
For readers not familiar with Australia’s (‘conservative’) former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, here’s a picture of him at Mar-a-Lago last week celebrating the New Year with President-re-elect, Donald Trump:
Australia’s Health CBRN Plan and Operation COVID-19
This section presents compelling evidence for the hypothesis that the Australian Government’s Health CBRN Plan - in essence, a whole-of-government ‘counter-bioterrorism’ public health document - was a key preset policy that was triggered sometime in early 2020 before the ‘pandemic’ was declared.
CBRNINS (CBRN Incidents of National Significance) in this Plan are considered to be deliberate acts perpetrated to cause harm through criminal or terrorist activities. They may be subdivided according to their use of chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear materials.
There are definite parallels between the Health CBRN Plan and the initiation and rollout of the COVID response in Australia, outlined below.
But first, here’s an at-a-glance overview of key political dates in Australia’s official early 2020 timeline from a ‘human biosecurity’ point of view, per previous DemocracyManifest posts and notes:
Jan 21, 2020 - “Human coronavirus with pandemic potential” - amendment to
Biosecurity (Listed Human Diseases) Determination 2016 - Chief Medical Officer (Murphy)
Feb 18, 2020 - Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - published by Morrison Government
Feb 25, 2020 - Emergency Response Plan for Communicable Disease Incidents of National Significance (CDINS) 2016 - activated by Morrison Government
Mar 5, 2020 - National Coordination Mechanism (NCM) - implemented by Emergency Management Australia (EMA) through Department of Home Affairs
Mar 13, 2020 - National Cabinet - established as an emergency intergovernmental body chaired by the Prime Minister (Morrison)
Mar 18, 2020 - Human Biosecurity Emergency (Biosecurity Act 2015) - declared by Governor-General (Hurley) for initial period of 3 months on advice of Chief Medical Officer and Chair of AHPPC (Murphy)
And a reminder of WHO declaration dates:
Jan 30, 2020 - ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ (PHEIC)
Note the threshold required for activating a ‘bioterrorism’ response - on page 6:
Hmm… “may be activated on the suspicion that an act… may be deliberate”.
That’s a pretty low bar! And brings to mind the disclosure by Jeremy Farrar (in mid-2021) regarding his top-secret discussions about “a small distant outbreak… in China” in early January 2020 that “felt different”.
Back to the Australian Government’s Domestic Health Response Plan for CBRN Incidents of National Significance (2018) versus the COVID response:
(1) Health CBRN Plan: the Chief Medical Officer activates the plan
From page 7:
On 21 January 2020, the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Professor Brendan Murphy, lists “human coronavirus with pandemic potential” under the Biosecurity Act 2015.
(2) Health CBRN Plan: the focus is on public messaging about a “health response” (ie. avoiding mention of possible ‘bioterrorism’!) and coordinated with the lead federal agency
(WoG = Whole of Government)
From page 42:
On 18 February 2020 - three weeks before a ‘pandemic’ is declared by the WHO - Australia’s Morrison Government publishes the Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19.
On 27 February 2020, in what becomes an iconic headline, following a meeting of the National Security Committeethe mainstream media reports an impending ‘pandemic’ along with a “coronavirus pandemic plan” for mass quarantines and vaccines…
27 Feb 2020 - The Guardian : mainstream media reports the Australian PM anticipating a ‘pandemic’ and announcing a Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19/ complimentary state-based pandemic plans.
From the article in The Guardian…
“The national security committee today heard of the high likelihood and high probability that the world would soon enter formally into a pandemic stage, which has led to the invocation and implementation and activation of the coronavirus pandemic preparedness plan,” [federal Minister for Health] Hunt said.
27 February, 2020 - The Guardian
(3) Health CBRN Plan: Department of Home Affairs is lead federal agency in a whole-of-government response for a CBRN terrorist incident. Department of Health may co-lead.
The NCM is an Australian Government mechanism facilitated by EMA and is a key tool for preparing for, responding to, and recovering from any crises. The NCM is a flexible tool to ensure that the full capabilities of the Australian, state and territory governments and, if required, the private sector are brought to bear during a crisis.
in posts here and here regarding FOI request 1712 for “COVID 19 Scenario and Planning Workshop - 3 February 2020, Australian Government Department of Health” (published on 19 February 2020):
The US Department of Defence (DTRA*) and Australia’s Defence Science Technology Group provided the earliest Australian pandemic modelling that could determine “thresholds and indicators that would confirm established community spread and support relaxation of enhanced case-finding and isolation activities, and border measures”...
… see DTRA’s role in modelling and predictions - and liaison with “the intelligence community” - as part of advice and support to DOD and other USG agencies during International CBRN Response (= ICBRN-R) - page 90:
Also note:
DTRA is an “International Medical Countermeasures Stakeholder” along with other US Government defense and health agencies according to Australia’s Defence Materials Technology Centre.
‘Bioterrorism’: a trap-door ‘pandemic plan’ via ‘CBRN’?
At its core, COVID was a policy coup by the security state in the US and allied countries as alluded to in reporting in November 2024 about revelations by Dutch MP Fleur Agema…
“… she confirmed the pandemic policy was a coup d'état by [Holland’s national security agency] the NCTV.”
The preset political framework behind the COVID operation was central to the success of the international ‘biodefense’ racket and the imposition of lockstep tyranny in formerly ‘free’ countries.
A review of the timeline of domestic political events in early 2020 alongside the Australian Government Health CBRN Plan is further evidence that a narrative of ‘potential bioterrorism’ was used to manipulate political leaders and activate CBRN Response plans behind the scenes in order to pull off a ‘pandemic’.
The question is…
When was this public health ‘counter-terrorism’ plan activated by Australia’s Chief Medical Officer in the lead up to the WHO declaration on 11 March 2020?
And what impact did this have on the course of events internationally?