Please note: an American patriot contributed to the production of this post!
Trump and Pence at FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, on 19 March 2020
After five years and with “the next one” looming, it’s more urgent than ever that we collectively get to the bottom of how the transnational security state managed to pull off a ‘pandemic’ in plain sight.
Ongoing analysis of the origins of ‘the COVID response’ by multiple researchers continues to shed light on one of the greatest crimes in modern history.
The title for this post is modified from the book by a Sky News Australia journalist who conducted a “world exclusive” interview with Donald Trump in mid-2021 as part of her ‘ground-breaking’ investigations into “the origins of the virus”.
This article is part of an ongoing series on the CBRN Defense pretext for the lockstep COVID response in the US and allied nations seen in March 2020 and beyond.
In policy and in propaganda, militarized ‘biodefense’ underpinned the so-called ‘pandemic’.
This post includes noteworthy press conference clips of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, and excerpts from key documents introduced in previous posts.
We also revisit the subject of ‘bioterrorism’, covered in multiple previous posts.
Don’t miss Donald Trump on Australian TV in September 2021!
The ‘CBRN’ PsyOp: Overview
Since first covering “The Great Preset and the Biodefense Boondoggle” a year ago - under the subtitle, the universal ‘vaccine solution’ in search of a ‘biowarfare threat’ - this substack has focused on the US-led military-pharmaceutical aspect of the ‘COVID Response’, including the Pentagon’s longstanding public-private plan to develop and deploy fast-tracked ‘medical countermeasures’ against ostensible ‘global biological threats’, with a focus on US DoD agencies including DARPA (= Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and JPEO-CBRND (= Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense).
Other posts have looked at the longstanding (and ongoing) role of biothreat-alarmism that formed the basis of plotting the ‘pandemic’, from war-gaming mitigation measures against ‘bioterrorism’ to influencing policy pertaining to “all-hazards” pandemic preparedness.
Note the importance of costumes in the cartoon: full PPE for those on the ‘front-line’ and body bags for the rest.
As we all know based on the COVID event, the theater is part of the operational ‘crisis response’ designed to fearmonger locked-down citizens and ensure “public buy-in” for the preset plans of ‘stakeholders’ behind the whole-of-society approach to so-called ‘pandemic’ control… including vaccines-for-7-billion-people that are in the pipeline within days of the first few ‘cases’!
The death toll and other all the other damage due to the ‘response’ is the crime that has been covered up.
Note: though not the primary focus of this blog, bear in mind the likely cross-over between prescient pandemic planning and how-to-pull-off-a-pseudo-pandemic in real-life…
In the “trailer”, the bioterrorism attack looks more like a targeted “bio-chem” release… deliberately deployed to mimic ‘outbreaks’ as part of staging “fake pandemics”.
Another focus of this substack has been the evolving history of ‘health security’ (aka ‘biodefense’) and the weaponization of public health by the various ‘stakeholders’ and beneficiaries of fake-pandemic-derived profits and power. This phenomenon originated in the United States in the years before 9/11, with Hollywood setting the stage for a militarized response to an ‘Outbreak’, and policy-makers performing at numerous pandemic tabletop exercises where the ‘bioterror’ boogeyman was often written into the script - such as the well-known ‘Dark Winter’ event in June 2001.
Remember this equation from a previous post on ‘health security’, and the model for Fake Crisis / Real Tyranny?
Public Health + Homeland Security = Health Security
So-called ‘Health Security’ - aka ‘biodefense’ - was the basis of the militarized transnational ‘Covid Response’.
In the decade before COVID, the over-arching pandemic enterprise - ie. ‘biodefense’ for both “emerging” and “engineered” infectious disease threats - grew and spread internationally in planning ‘preparing’ for the Big One.
The next section looks briefly at USG policy aspects of the March 2020 timeline as an important background to… “we gave the order”.
COVID-19 and preparing for domestic “war”: DHS and ‘CBRN’ Defense
As outlined in a previous post, the key document used for US domestic ‘incident management’ starting in early March 2020 was the Department of Homeland Security’s National Response Framework (NRF), which was fortuitously updated in late October 2019 (!!)
In addition to a new diagram pertaining to the Stafford Act, the updated NRF included a new Emergency Support Function (ESF) focused on involvement of the private sector in responding to threats to public health and national security.
A remarkable coincidence!
ESF #14 helps coordinate multi-sector response operations between (or across) the government and private sector for natural or human-caused catastrophic incidents that jeopardize national public health and safety, the economy, and national security.
The introduction to the revised version of the NRF even conveyed a heightened concern about threats to national security from “potential adversaries… developing advanced weapons”!
Here’s a replay of a clip with Dr Robert Kadlec (then HHS-ASPR) on 5 March 2020 at the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Senate Committee hearing on “The Federal Interagency Response to the Coronavirus and Preparing for Future Global Pandemics”.
Kadlec outlines the activation* of the NRF in anticipation of full-FEMA-if-and-when-needed:
(40 sec - with transcript)
Shifting to our overall response structure, since repatriation efforts began, we've been working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, to put in place an active incident management network that is based on the National Response Framework. This is the first time we have formally implemented this structure. Though we have practiced activating this structure during previous exercises, we're doing it for real now and it means that we can leverage the capacities of FEMA and all the Emergency Support Functions that may be necessary to deploy responders to assist states and local authorities in responding to the coronavirus outbreak if and when asked.
(*Note: Kadlec testified that the NRF was formally activated on 2 March 2020.)
At the same hearing, the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli, reiterated the role of HHS as the lead federal agency in responding to bio-incidents of any kind (supported by DHS/FEMA according to the 2018 Pandemic Crisis Action Plan), and asserted that a (nation-wide) Stafford Act declaration with potentially tens of billions of dollars in disaster relief funding was not anticipated (nor appropriate) because all states across the country would not be simultaneously impacted by the ‘pandemic’ which had been pre-announced at the opening of the hearing by the Chairman, Senator Ron Johnson (per this post).
Here’s a relevant clip with Cuccinelli from 5 March 2020 for those interested in the detail…
(< 2 min)
Note also the following table from a related DHS document - the Biological Incident Annex to the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plans (2017) - which covers federal agencies with primary authority for both “naturally-occurring and intentional biological incidents” in both foreign and domestic locations, including a footnote to the effect that:
“DHS/FEMA may be called upon to lead or provide supplemental operational coordination support for the primary authority during complex incidents”
(Note that the role of the DOJ fits with the official origin-of-COVID-19 narrative.)
In his prepared statement for the Senate Committee hearing that day, Cuccinelli also made clear…
As required by Congress in 2018, President Trump signed the first ever National Biodefense Strategy to build upon our ability to rapidly respond to and limit the impacts of bio-incidents like the one we're facing now.
So Trump was already fully committed pre-COVID to 'biodefense’ - namely ‘pandemic vaccines’ for ‘biothreats’ of any origin.
Returning to the DHS National Response Framework (NRF) document…
The NRF is frequently referenced in the DoD Joint Publication 3-41 regarding Domestic CBRN Response.
For example…
Generally, DOD, when tasked, supports Department of Homeland Security (DHS) within the guidelines of the National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System.
Translation: this includes the National Guard etc being deployed as seen in ‘Outbreak’, the movie.
And here’s a quick visual reminder (see previous post) about CBRN Response and Lead Federal Agencies: The diagram below has a green box added to highlight the US ‘homeland’ environment.
For Domestic CBRN Response, the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) is DHS — or DoD.
*Note also: Before COVID, the DoD was added as an alternative LFA for Domestic CBRN Response. See image below comparing 2012 version (left) and September 2016 version (right).
(This is similar to the change for “International CBRN Response” as per the previous post: DOS or DoD as Lead Federal Agency.)
Now - taking into account
the DHS National Response Framework (Oct 2019) and
the DoD Joint Publication on CBRN Response (Sept 2016)
recall the mid-March 2020 timeline from the US perspective after the WHO declaration of a ‘pandemic’ on 11 March…
16 March: White House Task Force announcement of “15 Days to Slow the Spread”
19 March: President Trump tasks FEMA (DHS) with leading the federal response
Trump: “… as of yesterday when we… gave the order…”
When the White House announced on 19 March 2020 that FEMA (ie. the Department of Homeland Security) would lead the federal response, it was considered an unprecedented and unexpected (and apparently inexplicable?!) departure from pandemic plans for ‘bio-incidents’ that even caught FEMA off-guard!
Notably, it was on this day that the use of war-time rhetoric by President Trump was in over-drive during his press conference with the White House Coronavirus Task Force:
We have to get rid of our big war. It's not a financial war, it's a war and it's a medical war.
Here’s then-VP Mike Pence with the announcement about FEMA:
(< 30 sec - with transcript)
Later today, the President and I will meet again in a teleconference with the nation's governors. And we will meet at the National Response Coordination Center at FEMA and outline President Trump's decision to have FEMA take the lead in our national coronavirus response.
Our nation's response through FEMA will be locally executed, state managed, and federally supported.
As noted, it can be directly inferred from DoD Joint Publication 3-41 why this FEMA “takeover” happened, based on US military doctrine for Domestic CBRN Response.
(Screen shot)
Source: ABC News - “President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence attend a teleconference with governors at the FEMA headquarters on March 19, 2020, in Washington. Trump is asking Congress for a $1 trillion aid package to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Listen carefully to President Trump’s exchange with then-acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf.
“… yesterday when we… gave the order”
(90 sec - with transcript)
WOLF: Well, Mr. President, Vice President, thank you for being here. Really appreciate your visit to FEMA. I think your visit really, as you indicated last week by signing the National Emergency, has really empowered FEMA. We've gone to a Level One here at the NRCC and continue to support the emergency, continue to support all elements, and really working with the interagency and our state and local partners. The governors, who you'll talk to here in a few minutes, know the FEMA process, know how that works in cases of both natural and man-made emergencies. And that's the process that we'll be using going forward, making sure that they're linked up with their emergency operation centers and tied into FEMA. So again, thank you for being here. We look forward to your remarks. So thank you.
TRUMP: Well, thank you very much and it's great having FEMA involved. We've had tremendous success working together and we appreciate all of the people here and it's an honor to be with all of you. You're doing a fantastic job, by the way. And so now we're, as of yesterday when we… when we gave the order, FEMA is totally involved in addition to everybody else, and a lot of progress is being made. So I look forward to speaking to the governors. And from what I understand, we have pretty close to 50 of the governors and some territories on, and we have a lot of just about everybody showed up, so that's very nice. And we will put them on the screen as soon as you want. Thank you.
And here’s Mike Pence at the White House press conference the following day, 20 March 2020, reiterating the President’s decision to have FEMA (DHS) lead the federal response:
(60 sec)
And as we know, Operation Warp Speed had actually been unofficially activated (by whom??) circa 13 January 2020 according to Moderna’s timeline (= NIH/DARPA).
Trump: “People were saying there are a lot of people lying down on the streets of Wuhan…”
Now let’s circle back to hazmat suits and ‘body bags’…
Here’s (former) President Trump in September 2021 speculating about a Chinese biolab bungle versus biowarfare in a wide-ranging investigative documentary including spooks and scientists that aired on (Murdoch’s) Sky News Australia.
(30 sec)
A better line of journalistic inquiry would have been to ask Donald Trump about what-really-happened-in-NYC in March 2020 - in stark contrast to the rest of the country - after his declaration of a National Emergency.
Or, failing that, whether Trump knew about what-really-happened-in-Washington (and Phoenix and Honolulu) in December 2019 at the two-day ‘bioterror’ tabletop exercise, Pacific Eclipse, conducted jointly by the US DoD and ‘PLuS Alliance’ universities, where 200 invited ‘stakeholders’ from the Five Eyes nations game-planned their public-private-partnership response to a hypothetical ‘pandemic’ set in the upcoming (2020) US presidential election year, with a script that was so prescient as to include ‘outbreaks’ on cruise ships, as well as this scene describing cities across America, quoted from the follow-up article published in the medical journal, Vaccine, in April 2022:
Dead bodies outside hospitals are piling up and disposal of medical waste is in crisis, as funeral homes are full or refusing service and transport companies refuse medical waste.
Does the script from the December 2019 rehearsal tabletop exercise sound familiar?
Also recall the image (below) from the webpage announcing the inaugural meeting in Australia of VIPs from the three PLuS Alliance universities (Arizona State University, King’s College London and UNSW Sydney) in 2017.
From a post almost exactly a year ago…
LARP-ing a “Pandemic”: a Manufactured Crisis?
Pre-Covid, as a "PLuS Alliance" expert, Professor MacIntyre delivered a lecture at the launch of 'Global Security PLuS' in 2017, in which she outlined the need for "innovative solutions to pressing problems in biosecurity" along with "a multi-disciplinary perspective... outside the health sector" due to "existential threats to humanity".
But the Sky News Australia interview with Trump in September 2021 was only about the [Wuhan lab] “origins of COVID-19”.
Trump provided this insight as to why Wuhan - and presumably the Western world! - locked down…
(50 sec)
(As they say… “we deserve better psyops”!)
And of course, Trump went on to own and promote the beautiful Warp Speed vaccines as the perfect solution!
“Public Health measures for pandemic control are draconian by nature.”
If you’re left wondering whether the ‘origin of COVID’ - ‘bat cave’ or ‘biolab leak’ or ‘bioterror’- would have changed the response of quarantines and vaccines etc, the answer is “no” according to the aforementioned world expert in emerging infectious diseases and biosecurity (and bioterrorism), Professor Raina MacIntyre.
Public Health measures for pandemic control are draconian by nature. To stop a virus spreading, we have to stop people having contact with each other, use masks, impose density limits, deploy social distancing and sometimes, when all else fails and the health system collapses, introduce lockdowns. During COVID, lockdowns bought time until vaccines were available.