“We have to stop people having contact with each other…”
In case you thought ‘mistakes were made’, one of the world’s leading infectious disease experts - who ran the Pacific Eclipsesimulation and the COVID response in real life - is absolutely adamant…
Public Health measures for pandemic control are draconian by nature. To stop a virus spreading, we have to stop people having contact with each other, use masks, impose density limits, deploy social distancing and sometimes, when all else fails and the health system collapses, introduce lockdowns. During COVID, lockdowns bought time until vaccines were available.
After listing these “measures for pandemic control”, Professor MacIntyre reveals:
All of these lessons were exercised during the Pacific Eclipse smallpox simulation.
In other words, the draconian response to a ‘pandemic’ - including lockdowns when ‘the health system collapses’ - was rehearsed during the tabletop exercise on 9-10 December, 2019.
To rewind for a moment for context, here’s Professor MacIntyre in 2017 at the launch of Global Security Plusby various PLuS Alliance university experts - from Arizona State University, King’s College London and University of NSW - calmly catastrophizing about biosecurity and so-called “existential threats to humanity”:
(< 30 seconds)
It looks like the planning was well underway long before Pacific Eclipse… and Operation COVID-19!
To repeat a revealing quote about the simulation in the journal Vaccine…
Pacific Eclipse predicted a range of changes that COVID-19 would bring to the globe.
The prescience and timeliness of this meeting, held on December 9th and 10th 2019, was extraordinary. Within a month, those attending the meeting, would be facing the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, hopefully implementing many of the lessons learnt.
Hmm… “Within a month” would be early January 2020 - so what ‘lessons’ exactly were these people ‘implementing’ at that time, and beyond?
Here’s a snapshot - with details - of a few of “those attending the meeting”…
Pacific Eclipse, 9-10 December 2019. Source: PLuS Alliance (p10)
Over 200 other “stakeholders” were invited from the Five Eyes nations, across government, the private sector and NGOs. Who were they?
And why was the meeting ‘highly sensitive’, unlike Event 201?
It looks like they quietly let the cat out of the bag — but only after the transnational rollout of lockdowns, masks and ‘vaccines’ was complete.
“Corona Dawn”
In Dark Winter - a title the author chose in recognition of the Pentagon’s trailblazing pandemic tabletop exercise in June 2001 - the preface is headlined Corona Dawn. Here, Professor MacIntyre says that on New Year’s Day 2020 she reflected…
Just three weeks earlier I had been in the US running ‘Pacific Eclipse’, a biothreat simulation of an unknown epidemic that arises in the Pacific and becomes a pandemic.With a high-powered group of participants from the WHO, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US IndoPacific Command, UK bioterrorism experts from Porton Down and others, we exercised the war games of a pandemic in Washington, DC.
The scenario we created in the simulation exercise included stranded cruise ships full of infected passengers being denied safe passage in global waters, mass quarantine, travel bans, case finding and isolation of infected people, contact tracing, national interest overriding global health, and even a US election which impacted on the pandemic. Little were we to know that within months all of these elements would actually come to pass with COVID-19.
What are the odds of this degree of accuracy - in terms of forecasting a ‘pandemic’ like this?
And what are we to make of all these ‘predictions’ involving a ‘pandemic response’ that was a complete departure from the established scientific recommendations (including the WHO’s) for so-called highly contagious respiratory pathogens?
In an interesting twist, the author later reveals that her pandemic simulation was first held in Sydney in 2018 as Exercise Mataika - and well-received by the Americans…
Two attendees from the US military base at Pearl Harbor liked it so much we ran it again at Pearl Harbor in March 2019. Our friends at United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) invited David [Heslop - from UNSW] and me to accompany them to Bangladesh in August 2019 to run the simulation again as part of a US-Bangladesh subject matter expert exchange. We tried to get our [Australian] government interested in making it a trilateral event with Australia, with no luck. At the preparatory meeting at Dhaka, my name board read ‘Raina MacIntyre, Team USA’. As an adjunct professor at Arizona State University, thanks to my home university UNSW’s part in the PLuS Alliance with ASU and King’s College London, I had been to the US five times in 2019, so was quite happy to be on Team USA, given my own country wasn’t interested. The US has always been very special for me. I did a post-doc under a Harkness Fellowship at Johns Hopkins in the 1990s, and thoroughly enjoyed my time there.
Johns Hopkins. And ‘our friends’ at United States Indo-Pacific Command. And five PLuS Alliance trips from Australia to the US in connection with ASU between January and August 2019. Yep — that’s definitely ‘Team USA’!
When the exercise was conducted again in December 2019, the scenario was renamed - Pacific Eclipse - and the narrative adapted for a very specific time and place…
The event [Pacific Eclipse] was held simultaneously in Washington, DC Honolulu and Phoenix in a collaboration between PLuS Alliance and the US INDOPACOM.
We tailored the content for the US, including featuring the 2020 presidential election.
Got that??
(Note that in the academic paper on Pacific Eclipse, the discussion section also refers to the pandemic scenario taking into account the impact of “Brexit in the UK” as well as the US 2020 election.)
All communications at Pacific Eclipse were considered ‘very sensitive’. (Why??) There are no publicly available recordings of the discussions that took place, in contrast with Event 201. However, some of the simulated news reports and video footage were temporarily on YouTube (via University of NSW) after the journal article was published in Vaccine - but subsequently removed. Let’s take a look…
You can see (based on the titles below the video clips in the next screen shot) how the narrative unfolds as the ‘outbreak’ spreads from Fiji and becomes a pandemic — eventually reaching the US, where ‘civil unrest’ erupts.
(This roughly corresponds with the storyline as it appears in the journal article in Vaccine.)
So why have these been removed?
The multimedia clips from Pacific Eclipse listed above are:
Mystery illness
WHO Declaration
Virologist to WHO (audio)
Nurses Union Strike
Police Chief (audio)
Civil Unrest
Ship of Death
Healthcare Decimated
PPE shortage
Cyber Attack
In real life, of course, healthcare in the US was decimated by lockdown policies. Nurses weren’t on strike: they were striking poses.
“Nurses Start Dancing to Keep Spirits Up During Coronavirus!” - Source: Youtube
And as for the so-called ‘ship of death’, there’s an interesting revelation in Vaccine by Rear Admiral Louis Tripoli from the US Indo-Pacific Command:
The exercise assisted the USINDOPACOM Command Surgeon Office with the subsequent real-time outbreak of the novel coronavirus (SARS- CoV-2) in late March 2020 aboard a US Navy warship.
At that time, vaccines and pharmaceutical countermeasures specific to this virus had not been developed, but we observed that non-pharmaceutical interventions may have helped decrease transmission.
If you say so!
Presumably, “…we have to stop people having contact with each other…” was a big take-home message from Pacific Eclipse. With the added benefit that in the case of ‘the coronavirus’ and USS Theodore Roosevelt, the world was transfixed by an aircraft carrier and the ‘deep disinfection’ drama - and ‘media leaks’ - for weeks on end.
Remember that this incident was a major part of the early ‘coronavirus’ narrative — with the legendary ‘lethality’ of the US military struck down by ‘social distancing’.
As for civil unrest: Who could forget the absurd double-standard on lockdowns by public health officials (who gave the game away)…
Periodic reminder: This entire ‘response’ was to a pathogen that the Pentagon classified as “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine” on 5 March 2020.
See: The Pentagon Presser - “Military Medical Leaders Discuss Vaccine Development Against Coronavirus”
So where did the ability to ‘anticipate’ - and then ‘implement’! - “mass quarantine” in lockstep across multiple nations in mid-to-late March 2020 actually originate?
What happened between early March 2020 and nation-wide lockdowns across the US and the rest of the West? Was it the influence of the infamous Imperial College Report 9 by Neil Ferguson et al, together with the results of Pacific Eclipse - ie. a combination of ‘modelling’ to ‘prove’ the effectiveness of lockdowns, and movie clips to demonstrate the (fictional) consequences of not imposing them?
Consider the persuasive power of these tabletop exercises, dating back over two decades, as cited in a previous post on America’s Pandemic War Games…
One simulation of an uncontrolled disease outbreak concluded with riots and the National Guard on the streets. […]
These lessons [from ‘Dark Winter’ in June 2001] rippled out into the policymaking community, particularly after its participants and designers briefed key figures in the Bush administration and members of Congress on their findings. Included in the briefing was a series of grimly realistic videotapes of the exercise that dramatized its likely effects. “It is not pleasant,” CSIS’s John Hamre told members of Congress in introducing the videos.
One of those who agreed, according to retired Air Force Col. Randall Larsen (who co-designed the simulation for CSIS), was Vice President Dick Cheney, who sat through the presentation (just nine days after 9/11) in his office at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building before offering his own judgment. “This is terrifying,” he said.
Were Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and other reluctant leaders shown video clips from Pacific Eclipse (or other material from the meeting) by ‘experts’ in early March 2020?
Were any of the invited participants from the Five Eyes nations who attended Pacific Eclipse in positions of direct influence in terms of policy decisions related to ‘the coronavirus’ in early 2020?
Were mass mail-in ballots for the 2020 US presidential election - due to ‘anticipated’ social distancing requirements - discussed as part of the ‘highly sensitive’ communications at Pacific Eclipse in December 2019?
who has formally requested information pertaining to the Pacific Eclipse pandemic tabletop exercise.
Additional reading: See the series of posts on the original Dark Winter - the pandemic tabletop exercise held in June 2001, overseen by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security - here, here, and here