This post is a brief report/commentary on the upcoming “International Bird Flu Summit”.
Many thanks to fellow Australian
atUpdate: Great to see this news being covered by
!If the terms ‘bird flu’ and ‘Event 201’ instantly trigger you, then this post will too!
Hot on the heels of the growing hype over Bird Flu (aka H5N1) in America - including the U.S. government injection of funds (ie. US taxpayer dollars) to the tune of nearly $200 million* for Moderna’s mRNA avian flu shot - is an invitation to a three day event to be held in Washington D.C. in early October.
*Note: H5N1 has “infected three people to date, all with mild cases” - recall the farmworker with red eyes? - so the multi-million dollar vaccine investment is ‘just in case’ the situation ever evolves into ‘human-to-human spread’ of a so-called Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)!
International Bird Flu Summit
But this isn’t just “Event 201” all over again.
This is basically an open declaration of ‘the Next Pandemic’
This is a comprehensive agenda to repeat it all again — but with the ‘advantage’ of practice and preparation and more planning.
There’s no hidden conspiracy here. No reading between the lines.
The “stakeholders” are emboldened. And working in lockstep.
It’s now just a matter of ‘when’ - not ‘if’ - they trigger the ‘next pandemic’.
(Will the Next Pandemic be the October Surprise?)
And this time - already - the food supply is threatened too.
What stands out when casting an eye over this 10 page brochure?
The prevalence of terms that were not recognizable to ‘ordinary people’ in 2019 in a way that would wreck millions of lives.
For example:
personal protective equipment
essential workforce
quarantine measures
mis- and dis-information
medical countermeasures
A few topics at-a-glance from the 25 breakout sessions:
Activate Fatality Management Operations - p2
Prevention & Reduction of Transmission: Strategies for Containment and Mitigation - p7
Optimizing Insurance Coverage for Pandemic-Related Business Risks - p5
Breakthroughs in Viral Detection Technologies - p7
[Military] Collaboration with Civil Authorities for Seamless
Response - p6
Conducting Mass Vaccination Efforts - p3
Controlling Social Unrest and Public Disorder - p3
Method of Coordination & Liaisons with the Command & Control Function - p9
Here’s a snapshot of a couple sessions:
It’s quite clear that widespread civil unrest - and a coordinated response to crush it - is anticipated!
If you refuse to comply, you may be forced to isolate in a “correctional facility” (ie. be imprisoned) during the ‘next pandemic’: Taking lockdowns to the next level!
It’s not clear to what extent law enforcement agencies would implement this measure as part of the “Response to Misinformation”.
And who gets to decide what is mis- and dis-information…
All “stakeholders” are welcome… (to sign up for this manufactured-crisis racket):
Public-private shakedown, anyone?
Unfortunately, the list of speakers is not visible without registration.
(And note that attendance must first be “justified” - and “approved”).
The theme is very much focused on the “One Health” agenda and “Whole-of-Society” response to ‘biothreats’, as per the Health Security experts…
One Health - from the U.S. CDC
Whole-of-Society plan - from the U.S. Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense
(Click for 30 second video clip - from January 2024 - to see Dr Julie Gerberding boasting about the new Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR) at the White House.)
The real question is: how will the people respond?
To this…
And this…