Confirmed: COVID measures were part of a ‘biodefense’ response
This tweet - including on-the-record comments by the Deputy PM (and Minister for Health) of the Netherlands, Fleur Agema - has gone viral in the last 24 hours, with nearly a million views and counting…
(Click for X link - including 1 minute video on Rumble with English subtitles)
Further Substack reporting can be found here:
These insights from Holland’s Deputy PM about the COVID response are consistent with statements made over a year ago - by Australia’s Senator Roberts - about the COVID response in Australia, and what was referred to as…
The topic has been covered at length for over two years by
, who summed up the situation as follows:I personally believe it's US DOD was in charge of all of the global covid scam, because of the flow of money and the role played by the FDA to certify the DOD's fraud. Other regulatory agencies do not do anything, and FDA leads the ICH process anyway, it has been a de-facto drug regulator for the world for many years. This certification of the fraud was critical to give cover to those in "healthcare and science" who knowingly went along, and those who simply believed the health authorities. There is a group of owners (private global mafia) that use US Gov and DOD as their imperial enforcer because of the power of the dollar and the power of the US military. But the owners are all global, i.e. they do not care which country they reside in, and it doesn't matter that much, because they are not state actors. They are just very powerful criminal oligarchs.
A quick recap…
“Did anyone in this country accept orders from the United States military…?”
(10 sec)
Did anyone in this country accept orders from the United States military to do or not do a thing that may have interfered with this military pharmaceutical plan? [That’s] another question for a Royal Commission.
Senator Malcolm Roberts - 8 August 2023
“In America they set up… Department of Defense [Medical] Countermeasures Consortium”
(20 sec)
In America they set up - you're probably aware of this far more than I am - Department of Defense [Medical] Countermeasures Consortium... involving Australia, Canada, United States and Britain.
It was a military operation.
Senator Malcolm Roberts - 23 October 2023
COVID flashback - Australia, 2021:
The military enforcing “non pharmaceutical interventions”…
And a paramilitary enforcing “medical countermeasures”…
The scenes were similar, the world over.
Made in the USA? ‘Biodefense’ is National Defense… and ‘Health Security’ is National Security
To quote the US Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense in 2024: “It’s not over!”
A quick overview of ‘biodefense’ - before, during, and after Operation COVID-19:
Pre-COVID: the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense on…
… the growing pandemic threat and the steps the United States government needs to take in order to keep America safe. Their discussion [in July 2017] is moderated by best-selling author Max Brooks.
(“Biodefense is national defense”: 2 min clip - with transcript)
Max Brooks: Last, but not least, Governor Tom Ridge, who was America's first Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Governor Ridge, for those of us who don't know anything about biodefense, who've never even heard the term, just briefly, what are we talking about?
Tom Ridge: Well, I think, uh, in order to explain biodefense, it's probably best if we think in terms of a traditional defense terms, 'cause people pay attention to defense. They worry about who's the enemy? What's the nature of the threat? What harm can it cause? And how hopefully can we prevent it? But if something happens, are we able to respond and recover? Well, when we talk about biodefense, we're not talking about munitions. We're not talking about soldiers. We're not talking about guns and bombs.
We're talking about germs. And so the whole notion of biodefense is, is how does this country, as it looks at biodefense, let's look at it the same way we look at national defense.
What's the threat? Germs. It's a global threat. Zika, Ebola reminds us of that. Is there a way we can detect them just like we like to detect the offensive capability of nation states as we think in terms of traditional national defense? What are our measures to counter the threats?
Well, do we have medical countermeasures to respond to those germs… to that potential pandemic that may come to us from a nation state, may come to us from a terrorist, maybe an accidental discharge from a laboratory - and worst of all, maybe Mother Nature's gonna throw it at us.
And then if we're are able to detect it, but all of a sudden it hits us, how do we respond and recover?
So when I think in terms of biodefense, I go all the way from detection and trying to prevent it from happening to providing those countermeasures to deal with it, to responding and recovery. It's like anything else. It is a real risk.
COVID - and the US Department of Defense (a week before the ‘pandemic’ was declared) on 5 March 2020:
So together with our United States Government partners, we are progressing at very fast rates, revolutionary rates, almost constant effort, and this is in order to deliver effective treatment and prevention products, products that'll protect the citizens of the world…
Brig. Gen. Mike Talley - 5 March 2020
Post-COVID: (ex-)Congressman Jim Greenwood at an event to mark the 10th anniversary of the Biodefense Commission, in mid-2024…
(Pushing pandemic policies: 30 sec)
I think we've learned some lessons. But I'll tell you, this Commission is not ready to disband because we still have many, many lessons to teach the policy makers. We have to get their attention again.
We have to get them to focus on this, and we have to get them to prepare the nation - and the world - for either, again, another pandemic or a bioterror event, which could strike at any time in any place.
‘Biodefense’ and the Big Steal?
Does President-elect Trump know about the “highly sensitive” pandemic tabletop exercise conducted by the US DoD and Five Eyes nations in December 2019… which factored the 2020 presidential election into the script of the ‘hypothetical’ scenario?
Stay tuned: more to come on the events of March 2020!
Related recommended reading on…
“The RKI Files” - leaked German CDC Covid communications - via
:The US-led Anglosphere agreement on CBRN Defense and Medical Countermeasures: