“Did anyone in this country accept orders from the United States military…?”
The CBRN PsyWar: Revisiting the question asked by Australia’s Senator Malcolm Roberts in August 2023 regarding the COVID Operation.
Can President Trump provide any answers?
To set the scene, recall the early 2020 timeline in context…
Operation Warp Speed started on 13 January 2020, before the disease
Operation Warp Speed (OWS) kicked off the day the sequence for the NIH-Moderna-DARPA mRNA ‘vaccine’ product was completed: 13 January 2020.
This was a full week before the first ‘case’ was ‘detected’ in the United States.
“… rapid response: from information to injection.”
On 20 January 2020 - the date the first U.S. ‘Covid case’ was announced - the key note address to 800 attendees at a joint Defense-and-Homeland-Security Industry Day on the future of “rapid response” medical countermeasures (MCMs) to ‘outbreaks' included this amazingly-prescient take by JPEO-CBRN Defense senior official, Dr Jason Roos.
(40 sec)
Right now if we want to develop a medical countermeasure, it's you're talking years to decades is the track record. […]
Let's get down to months and eventually work towards that target of weeks to days.
… And in this construct we have a lot of capabilities already developed throughout the federal government with industry.
(And as Dr Roos went on to explain, a little help from the FDA and Congress also goes a long way too.)
It’s all about the military-industrial-congressional complex.
OWS was officially announced four months later, on 15 May 2020.
It’s also worth remembering that…
President Trump was Commander-in-Chief of Operation Warp Speed
Related: The major “International MCM Stakeholders” - since before COVID - are US Government Defense and Health agencies.
Also noteworthy is the issue of so-called ‘emergency management’ — before the ‘vaccine solution’ arrived…
President Trump “gave the order” for Homeland Security to lead the “national coronavirus response” - in keeping with DoD joint military doctrine - on 18 March 2020
This Presidential decision - said to be a departure from all existing pandemic plans where HHS was Lead Federal Agency - was consistent with the Pentagon’s framework for Domestic Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Response.
Other key aspects of the Department of Defense document - Joint Publication 3-41 - that are relevant to US allies and the COVID operation include details of US-led…
“International CBRN Response” and
“Multinational Military Agreements”

The military forces of the Five Eyes nations (and NATO) are explicitly mentioned in US-centric protocols pertaining to International CBRN Response.
“It was a military operation”
In mid 2023, Senator Malcolm Roberts referred to COVID as “a military operation” and - after highlighting Australia’s membership in the US-led Chemical-Biological-Radiological Defense Cooperative Program since 2012 - remarked…
“Who knew we had a military-pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK…?”
Senator Roberts described the American-led arrangement as “an AUKUS for pandemics” - (comparing the multinational military-industrial rackets for ‘vaccines’ and submarines) - and explicitly asked regarding the rollout of the “military-pharmaceutical plan”:
“Did anyone in this country [Australia] accept orders from the United States military…?”

The Senator detailed the various domestic military COVID operations run by members of the US defense-led medical countermeasures consortium including Canada and the UK as well as Australia - “locking people in their homes” - and said that all of this intentionally created…
“… a climate of fear and intimidation that facilitated acceptance of the COVID injection.”
“The public health response… was a pretense for clamping down totalitarian controls.”
Robert F Kennedy Jr’s overarching analysis of the Pentagon-led COVID operation - outlined in an interview in May 2023 - included the term “totalitarian”.
(< 15 sec)
… the public health response was not a… was not about public health. It was about, it was a militarized and monetized response.
It was a pretense for clamping down totalitarian controls.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr - May 2023
(Why has Trump’s pick for HHS Secretary gone quiet about totalitarianism??)
Senator Roberts expressed a similar view in his parliamentary speech a few months later, emphasizing…
“[COVID-19] was never about health. It was about control of people…”
(<10 sec)
Because it was never about health. It was about control of people and wealth transfer using deceit.
Deceit that’s inhuman. Monstrously inhuman.
Senator Malcolm Roberts - 8 August 2023
“Public Health measures for pandemic control are draconian by nature.”
Was Trump tricked by “bioterror alarmists” into a ‘pandemic’ policy trigger and public-private-partnership trap that these ‘experts’ - with various vested interests - had spent over two decades constructing?
Was Trump set-up to fail at Pacific Eclipse, the covert pandemic tabletop exercise set in the 2020 presidential election year? This event was conducted in secret by the DoD and PLuS Alliance universities from the Five Eyes nations - with 200 invited participants rehearsing a whole-of-society response - on 9-10 December 2019.

Here’s one of the main organizers of the amazingly prescient simulation, Australia’s Professor Raina MacIntyre - a public health physician and expert in ‘global biosecurity’:
Public Health measures for pandemic control are draconian by nature. To stop a virus spreading, we have to stop people having contact with each other, use masks, impose density limits, deploy social distancing and sometimes, when all else fails and the health system collapses, introduce lockdowns.
During COVID, lockdowns bought time until vaccines were available.
Raina MacIntyre - Dark Winter (2022)
Five years after the start of the COVID event, President Trump has returned to office.
There has been no refutation by him of ‘the COVID response’ in the US or elsewhere, and he continues to promote Operation Warp Speed as a success.
What we need is transparency from ‘the Leader of the Free World’ about the transnational totalitarian COVID operation that took place on his watch.
POSTSCRIPT - further reading:
On the International MCM Consortium under the US-led CBR Defense Cooperative Program, and the role of the ‘Axis of Anglos’ in…
On US Department of Defense joint doctrine on CBRN Response, both domestic and international…