A reminder that just over 5 years ago…
The ‘vaccine solution’ was in the pipeline in mid-January 2020… when there was no ‘pandemic declaration’ in sight.
Here’s an admission from Trump in mid-March 2020, during 15-Days-to-Slow-the-Spread.
The genetic sequence of the virus was first published in January… we've reached human trials for the vaccine just eight weeks later.
(40 sec - with transcript)
Earlier this week, the first clinical trial of the vaccine candidate for the virus began in Washington State as you probably know.
The genetic sequence of the virus was first published in January. But thanks to the unprecedented partnership between the FDA, NIH and the private sector, we've reached human trials for the vaccine just eight weeks later.
That's a record by many, many months. It used to take years to do this, and now we did it just in a very short while.
That's the fastest development in history of what we're doing with regard to the vaccine. We're making very, very big progress.
President Trump - 18 March 2020
“… I repeat January 13th, 2020.”
The President’s Moderna start date - January 13, 2020 - was later confirmed by none other than Ivanka Trump, ahead of the rollout…

Here’s the SEC link for Moderna’s timeline…
On January 13, 2020, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna’s infectious disease research team finalized the sequence for mRNA-1273, the Company’s vaccine against the novel coronavirus.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
[Note: Also on 13 January 2020: the “first protocol for an RT-PCR assay by a WHO partner laboratory to diagnose the novel coronavirus” was published.]
It’s astounding that a ‘vaccine solution’ for 7 billion people was being developed after a handful of purported ‘cases’ in China — and months before a ‘pandemic’ was declared.
Looking at it another way…
Operation Warp Speed was actually underway (but unannounced) on 13 January 2020 - a week before the first ‘case’ was reported in the United States!
“… products that'll protect the citizens of the world…”
The OWS timeline and intent were outlined (ahead of schedule!) at a Pentagon Presser on 5 March 2020:
(20 sec - with transcript)
So, together with our United States government partners, we are progressing at very fast rates, revolutionary rates almost, constant effort.
And this is in order to deliver effective treatment and prevention products, products that'll protect the citizens of the world and preserve the readiness and lethality of our DOD’s service members.
Brig. Gen. Mike Talley - 5 March 2020
Military Medical Leaders Discuss Vaccine Development Against Coronavirus
(Related: As then-Commander-in-Chief, can Trump confirm whether the trigger for the lockstep international ‘COVID-19 Response’ was a phony-baloney Chem-Bio-Defense pretext for just-following-US-DoD-orders?)
“… a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”
Also at the Pentagon media event on 5 March 2020 - in contrast to all the tough talk about “products that'll protect the citizens of the world” - US Army infectious disease specialist, Nelson Michael, reassured the American public that they were dealing with “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”!
So… why was a ‘vaccine solution’ being developed for 7 billion people by experts for something they classified as “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”?
“… a military project from the very beginning.”
President Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services this time round was very definite about the COVID biodefense-industrial racket in an interview in May 2023.
(< 20 sec - with transcript)
They were manufactured by military contractors.
And basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. But, you know, that's not what they were doing.
They were coming from, you know… this was a military project from the beginning.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr - May 2023
Time for transparency from Trump…
With Trump’s second term underway, it’s time to drill down and demand answers about the US-led COVID Op.
To be continued…
As always, many thanks to
at !