Australia called the ‘pandemic’… before the WHO
27 February 2020 - PM Scott Morrison declared the ‘pandemic’
Today - February 27th - is the fifth anniversary of a very significant international event.
Australia’s then-Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, pre-announced ‘the coronavirus pandemic’.
This was two weeks before the WHO officially declared the ‘pandemic’ on March 11th.

From the iconic headline article in The Guardian that went around the world on February 27th, 2020…
Australia has declared the coronavirus will become a global pandemic, and extended its travel ban on visitors from China, as a surge of new cases of Covid-19 around the world fuel fears containment measures have failed.
As well as increasing domestic preparedness, the Morrison government has also opened the door for economic stimulus, pending advice from Treasury, to deal with the impact of a potential pandemic, in a significant shift from its cautious posture earlier this week.
The Guardian - 27 February 2020
The media announcement followed a meeting of the National Security Committee.
The “expert medical advice” at this time predicted “an escalating series of responses” including the possibility of compulsory mass quarantine and mandatory mass vaccination by state governments.
From the article:
The prime minister, Scott Morrison, told reporters on Thursday afternoon, after a meeting of the national security committee of cabinet, that “based on the expert medical advice we have received, there is every indication that the world will soon enter a pandemic phase of the coronavirus”.
The Australian government’s plan – the health sector emergency response plan for Covid-19 – involves an escalating series of responses, from self-isolation of suspected cases, enforced quarantining of known infectious patients, up to the closure of schools, cessation of public transport and advice – even orders – for people to work from home.
Under complementary state government pandemic plans: sports stadia may be sequestered as quarantine sites; police could be ordered to guard critical medical supplies, and governments may order entire suburbs, cities or groups of people to undergo mass vaccinations (once a vaccine is developed).
The Guardian - 27 February 2020
A link to the transcript for the media conference held at Australian Parliament House can be found at PM Transcripts.
A link to a two minute video clip from the press announcement can be viewed at Bloomberg News.
RELATED: Scott Morrison’s role in vaccine mandates…
First came the ‘vaccine solution’… then came the disease
Australia was a major player in the Covid policy coup at the international level, along with other Five Eyes nations.
But note that one of the key points in the ‘pandemic’ timeline was six-plus weeks earlier - in mid-January 2020 - when Operation Warp Speed was unofficially underway.
This was confirmed by President Trump soon after lockdowns were rolled out in mid-March 2020.
From the White House Coronavirus Task Force press conference on March 18th…
(40 sec - with transcript)
Earlier this week, the first clinical trial of the vaccine candidate for the virus began in Washington State as you probably know.
The genetic sequence of the virus was first published in January. But thanks to the unprecedented partnership between the FDA, NIH and the private sector, we've reached human trials for the vaccine just eight weeks later.
That's a record by many, many months. It used to take years to do this, and now we did it just in a very short while.
That's the fastest development in history of what we're doing with regard to the vaccine. We're making very, very big progress.
President Trump - 18 March 2020
The Moderna/ NIH ‘vaccine’ was in the pipeline on January 13th, 2020… to be precise!

There wasn’t a single ‘case’ of coronavirus reported in America (or Australia) when the start gun was fired on this so-called ‘medical rapid response’ in mid-January 2020.
For further details, see…
Five years on - having celebrated the start of 2025 together - perhaps President Trump and ex-PM Scott Morrison can shed some light on “What really happened in Washington” (and Canberra) when the trigger was pulled on Operation Covid-19.

The big question remains unanswered…
Many thanks to Elizabeth Hart at : A veteran researcher (and sceptic), Elizabeth was ahead of the game as events unfolded in early 2020 - namely, the shenanigans surrounding a global ‘vaccine solution’ in need of a ‘pandemic’ to justify it.