“It’s a game of ping pong”: the ‘origins of COVID’
We got played: The lab-leak LARP was in the pipeline years before the ‘pandemic’ was launched
We’re into year six of a pre-planned real-life detective story…
For this post, don’t miss video clips from:
“Pandemic” - the 2016 movie by the MacIntyre Research Lab, University of NSW
“What really happened in Wuhan” - the 2021 Sky News Australia ‘documentary’
“The Scooby Doo” - an ongoing COVID analysis by biologist Jonathan Couey
To get the ball rolling, here’s a flashback to Trump’s “world exclusive interview” with Murdoch media journalist, Sharri Markson, in September 2021.
(< 50 sec - with transcript)
SM: Do you think this was an accidental or deliberate release of COVID-19 from China?
Trump: So I think it was probably an accident. I don't think it was on purpose. If it was, that's essentially war. I don't think it was on purpose. I think it was incompetence. Scientist walked out and had lunch outside in a park or something with the girlfriend and he had it and she had it.
SM: Was that patient zero, that scientist from the lab?
Trump: I don't know if it's patient zero or patient something else, but that's one theory.
SM: Do you know how he was infected?
Trump: I think that it was incompetence. I think that it escaped from the lab through incompetence…
Sky News Australia - September 2021
“Deliberate release?” “Patient Zero”! “Escaped from the lab”!
The final common pathway is a ‘pandemic’ demanding a ‘pandemic response’!
We’ll return soon to Trump on TV Down Under. But first…
Science Fiction Theatre: “It’s a game of ping pong.”
Meet Professor Raina MacIntyre, a world-renowned physician researcher in infectious diseases and biosecurity from the Kirby Institute at the University of NSW Sydney.
This public health doctor was Australia’s go-to ‘expert’ during COVID.

For non-Australians who don’t know her (note the all-important N95 accessory!) here’s Professor MacIntyre’s ‘pandemic response’ philosophy in a nutshell, as per her post-COVID book, Dark Winter:
Public Health measures for pandemic control are draconian by nature.
To stop a virus spreading, we have to stop people having contact with each other, use masks, impose density limits, deploy social distancing and sometimes, when all else fails and the health system collapses, introduce lockdowns.
During COVID, lockdowns bought time until vaccines were available.
Raina MacIntyre - Dark Winter (2022)
Here’s the Professor again on twitter-X in March 2023, on one of her favourite topics: “The push-pull of narrative and counter-narrative that is so common in science”.
That’s right: The Science™ is all about story-telling!
“It’s a game…”
Who knew?
(We’ll look at the context of this tweet later, but it’s the big picture “push-pull” that matters most.)
Covid plot spoiler alert: “A new virus is engineered in lab”
From Professor MacIntyre’s 2016 medical mini-movie, here’s a 30 second trailer brought to you by the PLuS Alliance group of universities in Phoenix (ASU), London (KCL) and Sydney (UNSW): “Pandemic” is part of coursework in ‘Bioterrorism and Health Intelligence’ at master’s degree level!
It’s a nail-biting action-drama about sleuths trying to solve the suspicious source of a ‘pandemic’… while mass quarantines and vaccines are rolled out (behind the scenes) to ‘stop-the-spread’ and ‘save lives’!
(Side note: “Spanish Influenza Kills 50-100 Million”. Give or take 50 million, as
at Vaccination is political says.)The link to the full 14 minute pre-Covid movie is here.
In retrospect, the “Pandemic” plot is a variation of the ‘suppressed’ reporting prominent story that emerged in mainstream media in early 2020….

Zoonosis? Lab Leak?? Bioweapon-on-purpose???
Does it even matter?
Professor MacIntyre’s 2023 “ping pong” post puts everything in perspective in terms of how we’ve been played:

That’s right! In the world of pandemic pseudo-science, narrative tension is everything.
This is the real Fifth Generation PsyWar that’s been waged for the last five years.
What’s particularly telling is that the ‘origin’ of an ‘outbreak’ makes absolutely no difference to the aforementioned draconian public health measures that constitute 'the science’ behind any ‘pandemic response’ per Professor MacIntyre, whose very specific high-level expertise relates to whether an ‘origin’ is “natural or unnatural” - and in the case of the latter, whether it’s attributable to “error or terror”.
Here’s an excerpt from a podcast interview with the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) in late 2022:
Interviewer: You make it pretty clear that you think there’s every chance that COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 was released from a lab, whether accidentally or deliberately.
Do you think it would change the Australian Government’s reaction to it? Or would have changed it in the early days?
MacIntyre: As I said [about the public health response], the basic response to something - particularly like SARS-CoV-2 which is highly contagious now from person-to-person - is the same.
So the core elements of response would not have changed.
Source: MJA podcast - 31 October 2022
“Core elements” according to Prof MacIntyre = lockdowns, masks and vaccines for everyone, because every ‘biological agent’ - natural or unnatural - is a potential ‘existential threat to humanity’ regardless of ‘origin’!
Trump: “I started hearing stories… that there were lots of body bags outside of the lab…”
Returning to the Sky News drama ‘documentary’ in late 2021, here’s Trump on critical evidence (or what he calls “stories”) about “… a lot of people lying down on the streets of Wuhan…”
(50 sec)
SM: Mr. President, what evidence were you presented with that convinced you that it did in all likelihood come from a lab?
Trump: Well, I started hearing stories that you have also, that there were lots of body bags outside of the lab, and people were saying there are a lot of people lying down on the streets of Wuhan, and there were body bags!
SM: Body bags outside of the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
Trump: I heard that a long time ago, and if they did in fact have body bags, that was one little indication, wasn't it?
SM: Was that something that came from the agencies, the intelligence agencies? Is that what they were telling you?
Trump: I don't know where it came from. Ask China. But you're going to have to figure that out and you probably will be able to do it knowing you.
Sky News Australia - September 2021
Body bags!!!
With her super-sharp detective skills, Markson helps other sleuths expose ‘gain-of-function’ baddies like Shi Zhengli, Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci.
Here’s current CIA Director and former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, in a suspenseful climax, revealing why ‘the free world’ the Chinese Communist Party imposed lockdowns and “silenced doctors and scientists and journalists…”
(30 sec - with transcript)
Ratcliffe: If there was really no blame here, if this was really just some naturally occurring virus because someone ate a bat from a wet market, China wouldn't have done the things that they did. The Chinese Communist Party would not have shut down Wuhan. They would not have silenced doctors and scientists and journalists and disappeared some of them.
SM: John Ratcliffe was the United States Director of National Intelligence - the overlord of 18 different agencies.
Sky News Australia - September 2021
Hmm… so we should blame the Chinese Communist Party for tricking the Five Eyes and other ‘liberal democracies’ into the tyrannical and deadly policies that Professor MacIntyre and colleagues say are necessary regardless of ‘the origin’ of any so-called spreading pathogen?
The main take away message from this who-done-it “gain-of-fiction” is President Trump’s promotion of the beautiful Warp Speed ‘vaccines’ as the ‘solution’ to the ‘pandemic’.
( < 15 sec - with transcript)
Trump: Yeah, no, I think we've done an incredible job between the vaccine and between all of the Operation Warp Speed.
I think we did a great job and people are now starting to see what a great job we did.
Sky News Australia - September 2021
Perhaps President Trump will return to Sky News Australia in 2025 to answer questions about whether he “gave the order” for an international response based on the phony baloney pretext of a ‘biological attack’?
Couey: “… instead of releasing a bioweapon… they have released a series of narratives and a series of theaters”
This all confirms how we’ve been bamboozled by design as outlined by biologist and former DRASTIC member, Jonathan Couey, per his “Scooby Doo” analysis.
(35 sec - with transcript)
And it basically comes down to something that Noam Chomsky said, and that is that the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow a very lively debate within that spectrum.
And so I would like to make the argument that instead of releasing a bioweapon and trying to kill the whole planet, they have released a series of narratives and a series of theaters which have led us to believe that the thing to argue about is whether or not it was a lab leak or a natural virus, but accept the fact that it was a ‘pandemic’: a ‘spreading RNA molecule’ that started out as a puddle…
Jonathan J Couey - December 2023
“It’s a game…” to quote Professor MacIntyre. And they game-planned it.
Well played.
Now it’s time to call their bluff on the ‘pandemic’ and get accountability for the diabolical and deliberately damaging ‘response’.
Related: How to pull off a ‘pandemic’ according to ‘CBRN’ experts…
And for more on Professor MacIntyre’s works of science fiction, see Plotting the “Pandemic” and The Covert ‘Event 201’: Pacific Eclipse