“The Vice President is now in command”
Is there a Deep State plot to poison the POTUS this fall?
This is a recycled post from March 2024 - but on a more serious post-debate note.
See the youtube link below for the official “Biodefense” movie trailer.

October Surprise: ‘Bioterrorism’?
The new “Biodefense” movie - released by Washington D.C. in March! - is summarized on YouTube as follows :
After the President is incapacitated due to a bioterrorism attack during a National Security speech, the Vice President must step up to lead a unified response as the biological threat quickly spreads across the country.
Note that the fictitious ‘bioterrorism attack’ - targeting the President when he’s in the White House - occurs “this fall”.
noted in March:Consider the sheer preposterousness of this scenario. During a “national security speech,” the President of the United States is attacked by a terrorist using a biological agent as a weapon. Are we really to imagine that this could happen to President Biden?
And then what? Does Vice President Kamala Harris (LBJ style) take office?
The President is “incapacitated” - and ‘the virus’ then spreads rapidly across America. The VP leads the response to a nation-wide ‘health emergency’. The military is deployed and medical countermeasures are mobilized.
Here are a few key screen shots and transcript excerpts from the trailer…
Reporter: The mysterious illness that continues to spread across the United States has now reached the top as the President has slipped into a coma.
Reporter: The Vice President is now in command.
Narrator: This fall proactively prepare for a biological threat that might not seem very likely, but needs to be taken seriously.
Has Jill Biden seen the “trailer”?
The movie is brought to you by the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense:
The link to the original “October Surprise?” post is here:
The link to the two minute “movie” on the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense youtube channel is here:
The link to John Leake’s review is here: